VideosExcerpts and skits from some shows, plus a few testimonialsLake Cargellico - Air GuitarAppita Conference Delegate CommentsBrazilian Butterfly - After Show CommentsGerard V - Intro ExcerptCharles Sturt University - Hot and ColdApollo Bay - Doona GagLinton Maui Georgie PorgieSlo Mo Gunfight - You're Going DownKilmore TestimonialKnock You Out . . .Portland Football - Air GuitarPortland Football - Hot Cold SmellyPortland Football - Hot Cold Smelly 2Portland Football - RapComedy Hypnotist Gerard V - IntroductionComedy Hypnotist Gerard V - When the Usual won't doNow They're Getting Smelly - It's a Bad SmellThrowback to 2006 - Schoolteacher GagLinton Army Camp - Tyrell Does ScreamoBrazilian Butterfly - After Show CommentsVolunteering on StageHypnotized Windup Toy