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When 'The Usual' Won't Do

Temuka Junior All Blacks and Scouts

After seeing Gerard V at a previous event we decided to use this fantastic show as our fundraising event. From the very beginning of the show people were commenting on how effective and professional the setting looked with the lights and music.

Once the show began the entire audience were captured, people were laughing so hard they had tears running down their faces as they watched the volunteers. Some people had been a bit worried they would be picked on to perform but Gerard reassured everyone that it was volunteers only, if you didn’t volunteer you couldn’t be hypnotised.

Since the show I have had numerous people comment on the show and how great it was, some people have also asked for Gerard’s number for events of their own.

Fiona Frew - Fundraising Organiser, Temuka

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Comedy Hypnotist Gerard V trading as Wonderstruck Corporation