What is it really called? Hypnosis, hipnosis, hypnotizer?
What is my show really called? Is it a Comedy Hypnotist Show? That is: a show performed by a comedy hypnotist? (That I am). Or is it a Comedy Hypnosis Show, a show where hypnosis is performed in a funny way?
On balance I prefer Comedy Hypnotist Show because although I am funny and do funny things, I take the hypnosis part seriously (even though the audience will be laugh-crying while I do it).
There have been some other terms used for the show, such as “stage hypnosis” or “stage hypnotist”. These are older descriptions which distinguish performance for amusement from therapy such as quitting smoking. It is a show, I think the need to add “stage” in is not always necessary.
I get a surprising number of visits to my website when people search for “hypnotis”. That’s weird.
I refer to myself as a comedy hypnotist though some people call me a “hypnotiser” or “hypnotizer” because, I suspect, they are unfamiliar with all the jargon in the trade. Among ourselves we often just call it “Stage Hypno”.
However you call it - I love doing the “people getting hypnotised comedy show”.